Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The SEPI Agency is a network of like-minded individuals that endeavour to provide answers to questions about supernatural, extraterrestrial and paranormal experiences that you may feel uncomfortable asking.
The founder, a serving UK volunteer police officer, has previously worked for the National Crime Agency in England which much like the FBI in the United States, leads the fight to cut serious and organised crime both domestically and globally. Some of our officers and researchers are professionals from a variety of fields. Our information is gathered via police techniques including gathering witness first accounts and conducting interviews, and each inquiry is subjected to meticulous inspection. We provide a professional and daily face to a really unusual reality. Because of the techniques we use, we appear to have earned the appellation of "The Paranormal Police"!
Although we are not an emergency service, we are here to support you, offer advice, and perhaps offer solutions. Paranormal childhood experiences can have a significant impact on your adult life and, in certain situations, can cause mental health issues. The current healthcare services are neither qualified, experienced or prepared to listen to issues like these.
Any person who has been accredited as an investigator, researcher, or as someone who offers support services to you, the subject, is a SEPI Officer. They will own a SEPI Agency ID card and/or wear a SEPI Agency uniform such as polo shirt, t-shirt, pullover or fleece showing the SEPI Agency shield, which is extremely reminiscent to a police officer's badge. Please be aware that although we do not use police powers* or systems during our investigations, we are trained to spot any illegal behaviour or suspicious circumstances and if we believe that the safety and welfare of any concerned parties are at risk, the SEPI Agency will take the necessary actions and provide the best possible safeguarding measures and engage with external agencies including the police if necessary.
*Please note: Any views or opinions expressed here, are not necessarily that of our employer(s). Time spent on SEPI Agency interests, are carried out in our own time - off duty.
We currently operate out of Essex, England but hope to expand nationally and eventually, globally once we are established.
No. We are a private extraterrestrial and paranormal investigations team who are serious about all incidents that are reported to us. We offer you help. We are not here to judge. We do not hold weekly meetings but are happy to present some case material or discuss subjects to other groups if requested.
No. We do not currently have the resources to handle every case that comes in. Every case is assessed, and any early indications of fraud or untruths are taken into account, which may result in a case being rejected. We may also reject a case if we believe it does not fall within the scope of our services.
We recognise that everyone has a story to share, yet this field is rife with people looking for attention, making money, praying on the vulnerable or simply feeding their egos. We would love to assist everyone, but it is simply not possible at this time.
We support the full disclosure that prominent figures in the paranormal and UFO communities, like Dr. Steven Greer and Gregg Braden, are currently advocating. We support only the truth, and nothing else. Even if they don't seem to be widely accepted at the time, we will endeavour to reveal and deceptions. We shall express our opinion if we think something is false. Please read our blog article about the current activities happening in America that is now proving beyond reasonable doubt, that there has indeed been a UFO agenda cover-up for almost 60 years.
Even though the founder despises social media, we at least acknowledge that having a presence there is needed to enable us to reach as many people as possible. As we are new, we haven't been on social media for long. We have already started an Instagram (search for "sepiagency") and Twitter (X) as @TheSEPIAgency and also have a Facebook account. Please feel free to join us.
We have also launched our first video on The SEPI Agency YouTube channel. Search for us @SEPIAgency. The channel will feature educational videos as well as case-files and other interesting footage. We are also on Rumble
No one. We do not currently have any financing.
Although it is not necessary at this early stage, we would be grateful to accept funds and financial support in the future.
The English Oxford dictionary defines "supernatural" as;
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature, "a supernatural being."
Manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts, "a frightening manifestation of the supernatural."
The definition of "paranormal" as;
denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding, "a mystic who can prove he has paranormal powers."
Although this is obviously quite broad, there is a distinct distinction between the two, and that is the basis for how we classify cases. Additionally, as extraterrestrial and extradimensional cases can be confused with one another, there will be a clear distinction between the two. Extra-Dimensional Entities (EDE's) are sometimes confused with ghosts or demons, in truth. Read our blog "Extradimensional Entities - who and what are they?" for more information on EDE's.
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