To assist us in working effectively, The Supernatural, Extraterrestrial & Paranormal Investigations Agency also known as “The SEPI Agency” or "The Paranormal Police", keeps confidential records about its subjects and staff. These records are kept securely, are only seen by authorised personnel and may be used anonymously in the production of practice statistics. The records held by us are subject to the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, which gives subjects the right to access personal data held about them. To safely and appropriately provide you with services, we need to collect personal data from you, and we are required to request your written consent to collect this data. Please ensure that you have read the GDPR policy.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Statement of Privacy policy
Services provided by The SEPI Agency is a confidential process and we do not reveal your personal data or the outcomes of investigations to a third party without your express permission. The only exceptions to this would be if you were threatening your own life or the life of another, there was a safeguarding issue, or you were involved in a crime that falls outside of service boundaries. In these cases, we may decide to contact emergency services or relevant authorities without your permission.
This agreement explains what information we collect, how it is used, where it is kept, how long it is kept for and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard your privacy.
What Information do we collect?
When you are referred to this service, we may collect the following personal details: -
Name, address, email address, landline and/or mobile number, date of birth, GP name and address, disability status, religious affiliations and relationship status.
During your initial telephone conversation, we may gather the following information from you:- gender, relationship status, nationality, religion, mental health history, sexual health history, current medications, results of relevant medical tests, name and contact details of medical or mental health professionals managing your care and family history (no names other than your own).
During this process we will keep brief notes of each investigation to record the content of them and any other tasks that may have been agreed.
As Your Investigating Officer(s) / Service Provider / Organisation
As your investigating officer(s) / service provider, we are required to maintain our own privacy and data protection policy.
How do we use this information?
We collect this information for the following reasons:
To accurately identify you and thereby safely and confidentially carry out investigations or any other service provided by us.
· To communicate with mental health and medical professionals in the support of your case.
· To identify all of the factors that may be contributing to the issue you are seeking help with.
· To monitor and measure the effectiveness of the service.
Where do we keep this information?
Your referral data is received and stored via password protected Word documents. Your referral data is processed via email using password protected Word documents and held within secure cloud storage.
Your referral, assessment and investigations data may be kept together in paper and digital formats by us.
The SEPI Agency Ltd are required to be registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This is complete.
How long do we keep your data for?
We store your information, and client notes securely for a minimum of 7 years, in line with guidance from our insurers, after which point, they are shredded. Your records are not classed as medical records or public records.
How do we safeguard your privacy?
We normally receive your data via email or by the web form from our website. We process your data via password protected files. Other than your original referral information, all other documentation is identified by your initials and a unique reference number.
The only person that has access to your data is us as the Data Controller, Data Processor and as your service provider.
Subject Access Request
Should you wish to access your data, or have it destroyed before 7 years have elapsed you may submit your request in writing to us (as the Data Controller and your service provider). Each application will be considered on an individual basis and any decision to provide access to or destroy your personal data will be reached only after consultation with our insurers and any other professional bodies.
Please be advised that although we use police MG11 style witness statements / first accounts, we may not provide a court report or present as a witness on your behalf at any court case relating to any case. Our notes would be considered to be aide memoires and as such, are not admissible by a court. Should this position change, we will advise accordingly.
Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy is found here,
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