To us, chasing ghosts and UFOs isn't enough. We've heard all of the stories, seen things, and experienced things for ourselves, but no matter how often people around the world make films about the subject, write books about it, write plays, create podcasts and videos, hold and attend conferences, and express their dismay at how academia, the scientific communities, governments, and law enforcement agencies continue to avoid the subject, it is not making any difference. The masses still don't believe.
We intend to play a significant role in turning this around by putting ourselves in a position where evidence is 'water-tight' and would be deemed "beyond reasonable doubt" by any lawyer, barrister or jury. Where the data is consistent and repeatable wherever possible. Where information can be reviewed and examined 'out of the box' and extensively. Where no external or undesirable influence can suppress the findings in any way.
Since photos and video evidence cannot be measured, weighed, or poked and is not physical proof, the scientific world refers to it as "antidotal evidence". We understand that. We probably agree with that as well, but we also think there has been tangible evidence that has been waiting to be thoroughly examined, and we plan to provide it to the scientific community. However, we do not think that science totally understands everything as they claim to, nor do we think that everything is bound by the rules of physics. More on that at a later date.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of paranormal groups around the world which demonstrates how dedicated people are to discovering the truth and advancing human understanding of the mysteries of the universe, the nature of consciousness, and, ultimately, whether we are truly alone.
The only difficulty, and it is a major one, is that all of these groups operate in silos, rarely sharing information, stories, and findings. Egos play an important role in this branch of research too which further divides groups, information and the actually goes some way in keeping this area of research, fringe and therefore, not taken seriously.
The SEPI Agency want to act as a vessel to bring groups together enabling information sharing and developing techniques and using the data to look for 'trends' in activity (including mapping). This can be achieved in a number of ways;
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